How do I plan a unit of work?

I have been asked this many times - how do I plan my units of work?
This has evolved over time and most likely will continue to change as I see a better way - more efficient way to plan.
Firstly - I ask my students what they know already. I do not want to prepare tasks if they already know things. I ask them what they want to know about a topic and then reference this with our curriculum. I have started to add the USA Common Core as well.
I am working on three units at the moment - Plants, plants and more plants - Pets and Vets and Under the Sea. The reason I do this is because I add things as we learn and then put in extension tasks that other teachers may like to have access to. Then I move slides around - so that they are sequenced and make sense - work on instructions and contents - proofread and then publish! Then celebrate

 These units are not in my stores yet. They are still in draft form.

I make a list of curriculum outcomes that we need to assess against that will challenge my group and then beside each one list learning tasks that would be appropriate.
I use power point to put together the unit. On my first slide this is where I can put together my colours, clip art and fonts. This slide is the base slide for the rest of the unit.
The last slide tracks where I get my papers, clip art and fonts from. When I insert a new object I check where I get it from and make sure I have acknowledged the source. This way I don't have to come back and remember at the end. I have a terrible memory and  this does helps.
I then start the learning tasks using a simple formula using the Inquiry Process.
1. Tuning in - what is the focus of the inquiry, what questions are related to the inquiry and who will we work with
2. Finding out - what sources will we use
3. Sorting out - how will we sort, how will we record information and how will we present information
4. Reflection - how will we make connections between ideas, experiences and learning
5. Taking Action - what will we do with our new learning
Hope this helps answer some of the questions I have had. If not post a comment and I will get back to you.
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