Painting a wall

What are some of the unusual things you have done in your teaching life?
Do you ever wonder what our actual job description is? 
As you know we are preparing a new prep space for a shared space for not two but four prep grades. We had to remove some cupboards to make room for our expected smart board and whiteboards and when we removed cupboards to prepare we found a wall that was less than presentable, So I asked our very supportive Principal and our very handy dandy groundsmen, Michael for some paint. So I masking taped off a line, cut in the edges with a paint brush brush and than used a roller to paint the wall. BINGO a better presented wall. The OCD in me was not keen to not prepare the wall and patch it, sand paper etc - but here it is. The really funny thing is I wasn't dressed for painting - so I wore my outfit inside out  to protect from paint splatters - now that would have made an interesting photo. So the OCD bit of me needs to put a second coat on before we have people in our room in the morning...........

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